The highly popular series "Iron Restraint Lesbian" has released its fourth installment, a lesbian documentary!! It begins with interviews where Maji Iijima, Nozomi Hatzuki, and Kato Tsubaki each talk about their experiences with lesbianism. The film then kicks off with Nozomi, who enjoys domination, engaging in lesbian sex with Maji, who likes being dominated. The scene progresses from a gentle atmosphere to Maji being thoroughly tormented, her body quivering with intense pleasure as she is subjected to side licking and a double-headed dildo under iron restraint. Kato Tsubaki, who speaks about the unique sex that only lesbians can have, conducts lewd language training while tormenting Maji with biting techniques and hand manipulation, causing her to writhe in ecstasy. The climax features a W-peniband restraint 3P scene, explosively expressing same-sex love.