In the popular single-path series "Morning Garbage Disposal Lady with a Playful No-Bra Neighbor," actress Rei Ka Kudo makes her debut as a married woman caught in a double affair! A charming and seductive housewife with her own unique allure. Not only on garbage days, but also on Sundays, she cleans the garbage area, attracting married neighbors who approach her. With her defenseless chest revealing glimpses of her nipples, men with ulterior motives seize every opportunity to get close. The two who hit it off go to Rei Ka's house. As they drink tea and get lively, a strange atmosphere momentarily arises, and the man doesn't miss his chance. Seeking relief for their murky emotions in Rei Ka's body, the two entwine. Despite being married, they cannot suppress their reason, leading to a double affair relationship! Don't miss the frantic and seductive Kudo Rei Ka, with her jungle-like bushy hair, exuding her unique charm!