The lead actress of this work is Mayukichi, also known as Ito Manatsu! Known for her overwhelming slender neck and boasting a waistline of just 54 cm, she is an F-cup beauty with a sparkling cheerful smile! Since her debut in 2018, the Mayukichi & REbecca tag team has reached its sixth year with continuous image releases. The beautiful girl has grown into a beauty over time, but her innocent expressions and gestures occasionally show the same from back then. With the accumulated experiences and daily life polishing her mind and body, there is no limit to how beautiful she becomes the more she is photographed! Throughout the film, there are included interviews where she personally explains the costumes and highlights that received high praise in previous works. Enjoy the stimulating and sweet-sour pastel-colored time with the beautiful Mayukichi, who has both a luxurious body and an excellent personality!