Megumi Wakatsuki, 45, works part-time as a cashier at a local supermarket and is a mother of one. Despite being in her 16th year of marriage, Megumi says their nighttime marital life was somewhat fulfilling. However, she recently noticed her husband watching TV out of the corner of his eye during intimacy, which made her feel jealous and regretful, thinking, "I guess he's more interested in the TV than me..." Since then, her passion for sex with her husband has rapidly cooled... and at the same time, a strong desire to be seen by someone, anyone, has welled up within her. Her feelings as a woman have grown day by day, eventually leading her to decide to appear in an adult video. "I would be honored if I could be your 'snack'," she says, embarrassed but wanting to be seen. Please look at me intently, as if you could see through me.
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